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DSK C6711 / C6211 Real-Time High-Speed Data Transfer
DSK 6x11 board analog input display from a Visual Studio C/C++ program using the DirectDSP real-time interface
manager settings to DSK C67xx setup file |
Output generated from running "hwtest2" in MatLab 7.0 |
Suitable for real-time communication between
C/C++ and MATLAB programs and Texas Instruments
DSK 6711 and 6211 boards
Replaces CCS (Code Composer Studio) file I/O functions for data transfer.
CCS file I/O functions depend on data transfer over a JTAG debug emulator
link and are
very slow and not suitable for real-time
Software includes a DLL that uses the PC
parallel port to communicate directly with the HPI
interface on the C6711 or C6211 DSP chip
This DLL is independent of the TI DLL that comes with the DSK, and provides improved
performance and reliability. One reason Signalogic created its own DLL was to correctly deal with errata in the C6711 HPI port, which the TI DLL doesn't do
Part of the popular DirectDSP software, uses
standard DirectDSP APIs
Runs under WinXP. No separate driver or other software install required. Can be used independently of CCS (doesn't matter whether CCS is installed)
Free download at this link: