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SigC5561-7x7-PTMC VoIP Card

VoIP Blade for VoIP, DSP Farm and Echo Cancellation Applications

VoIP PCI/PCIe Card for Blade Server Applications

SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card, view of front bezel and bottom
side. Card dimensions are 149 x 74 mm.

SigC5561-7x7-PTMC configured as PCI VoIP card for blade

Bottom view of SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card with (7)
TNETV3010 DSPs and WinPath 7x7 network access/packet
processor populated. Also shown are front panel 10/100
circuitry and location for NAND Flash.


Top view of SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card, showing NOR Flash,
GbE PHY, host memory, packet memory, and parameter
memory devices for the WinPath network processor.


The SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card condenses the Texas Instruments / Telogy high-density VoIP reference design -- including DSP farm and network processor -- into PMC form-factor, while still providing OC3 channel capacity. Miniaturization to PMC form-factor allows the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card to be run as a stand-alone media gateway, PCI VoIP card for open source VoIP applications, or combined with standard, off-the-shelf cPCI, ATCA, and VME carrier cards to form single-slot "VoP Server Blade" media gateway and softswitch solutions in infrastructure embedded systems.

targeted at VoP (voice-over-packet) gateway and soft-switch applications, the SigC5561 is powered by Texas Instruments TNETV3010 devices, each containing six (6) C5561 cores, to provide fully Telogy™-compliant voice software operation.  The SigC5561-PTMC can scale from 192 to 2304 carrier grade voice channels (PCM speech, or G.711), 96 to 1152 G.729AB, and 72 to 864 G.723 or GSM-AMR codec channels

The run-time ratio of G.711 to Lbr channels may be controlled dynamically, on as-needed basis, by host software.  The overall result is a highly scalable, small form-factor VoIP card solution.

The SigC5561 includes a Wintegra 7x7 WinPath network access processor, to provide OC3 access to a variety of interworking and IP protocols. The WinPath is connected directly to the DSP farm using high-speed Utopia interface, and is also accessible to host software over the PCI bus.

Other card solutions on the market require non-standard "mezzanine card" combinations, dual slots, or other card combinations to reach OC3 channel capacity. In contrast, the SigC5561 takes a strictly standards- based approach, with full compliance to IEEE 1386.1 (PMC) and PICMG 2.15 (PTMC) standards. The SigC5561 card provides flexible network I/O, includes all necessary oncard power generation, is not over-wide, and does not require additional basecard connectors beyond the PMC standard. By using power efficient Texas Instruments VoIP chips, the SigC5561 card does not require per-chip heatsinks that exceed IEEE and PICMG height restrictions, and does not require costly, specialized airflow engineering in the chassis.

By maintaining full PMC and PTMC compliance, the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card is a PMC form-factor card. It includes all necessary oncard power generation. The card is compliant with IEEE P1386.1 (PMC) and PICMG 2.15 (PTMC) standards, usable with a wide range of cPCI, ATCA, VME, and other host platforms, including:

The HW400c/2 card from One Stop System is an example of a PTMC-compatible, PowerPC-based cPCI carrier card. When combined with a T3 interface daughtercard, a complete, single-slot "VoP Media Gateway Server on a Blade" solution is possible.

SigC5561-7x7-PTMC highlights include:

VoIP Overview

In a typical VoIP or VoATM application, the SigC5561-PTMC processes TDM channels of 64 kbps PCM (G6711) voice, fax or data traffic. Voice data is optionally compressed by Telogy Software via GSM, G.726 (ADPCM), G.729AB or other Lbr codec. In addition, Telogy voice Software provides RTP, RTCP, and T.38 packetization of voice and fax data, and a comprehensive range of voice and data telephony functions.

The WinPath processor provides packet formatting, segmentation, reassembly, and routing functions for the standard PTMC network interfaces.

A 32-bit PCI bus interface allows Linux or other system software residing on the carrier card to control the SigC5561-PTMC module, and enable support for a wide range of telephony and protocol software stacks, including SIP, H.323, MGCP, and Megaco.

VoIP Feature Summary

Voice Compression (CODEC)

G.711 (64 kbps m-law or A-law)
G.722 wideband (48, 56, 64 kbps)
G.723.1 (24, 40 kbps)
G.726 ADPCM (16, 24, 32, 40 kbps)
G.728 (16 kbps)
G.729 (8 kbps)
G.729AB (8 kbps)
G.729D (6.4 kbps)
G.729E (11.8 kbps)

Echo Cancellation

G.165 and G.168 64 msec nominal. Up to 128 msec
with multiple reflection cancellations; includes Telogy
proprietary enhancements

Jitter Buffer

Packet playout unit; Telogy packet-loss mitigation options

Silence Suppression

VAD, CNG, Telogy proprietary

Fax Relay / Pass-Thru:

AAL2 I.366.2
V.17 @ 7.2, 9.6, 12, 14.4 kbps
V.27ter @ 2.4, 4.8 kbps
V.29 @ 7.2, 9.6 kbps

Modem Relay / Pass-Thru:

Bell 212, 103
V.42 MNP 2-4, V.44 MNP 5
Modem transparency: auto-switch from G.7xx to G.711
on fax or modem detection


Sync-mode PPP, HDLC framed PPP
56k rate adaptation


RTCP per RFC 1889/1890/2508
UDP/IP header


AAL0 (raw cell)
AAL2 I.366.2

In-Band Signaling / Call Processing

DTMF, MF R1, MF R2, MFC, SS7 COT, SF, Call Progress for T1 CAS

Out-of-Band Signaling/Call Processing

DTMF Relay (RFC 2833)

Network Packet Switching

Example: G.729AB / RTP G.726 / AAL2

Rx, Tx Gain Control

Programmable ±31 dB

Packet Aggregation and Processing

Running default Control Path Software (CPS) and Data
Path Software (DPS) builds, the WinPath 747 or 787
Communications and Network Processor provides:

  • ATM Adaptation layers AAL0, AAL1, AAL2 and AAL5
  • >ATM traffic shaping M traffic shaping M traffic shaping M traffic shaping for Cbr, Vbr, GFR and Ubr, compatible with ATM Forum TM-4.1
  • Up to 64k simultaneous channels (VC or VP) with per-VC queuing
  • ATM cell and CPS switching up to 622 Mbps full duplex
  • AAL1 -- supports structured and unstructured Circuit Emulation Services (CES 2.0) ATMF-0078
  • IMA -- Inverse Multiplexing over ATM in one or more IMA groups according to ATMF 0086.001
  • IP Termination -- support for IPv4 (including TOS, TTL, Header processing).
  • IP Routing -- support for IPv4, RFC 1812 (including TOS, TTL, Header processing)
  • IP Interworking
    • Per flow WFQ and shaping
    • Routing and forwarding over ATM (RFC 1483/2684)
    • IP routing and forwarding over PPP (RFC 2364/2472) and PPP-Mux (RFC 1661)
    • Supports IPv4 IP routing and forwarding over Ethernet (RFC1042)
  • IP Classification -- supports Multi-field Classification and Differentiated Services according to RFC 2474 and 2475. Algorithmic with single or multiple passes (without external CAM)

Development Tool and Software Packages

VDS, DirectdSP, Hypersignal-Macro, C55xx Source Code Interface, Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio

IP Protocol Feature Summary

TDM Protocol Feature Summary

ATM Protocol Feature Summary

General Feature Summary

Below is a general feature summary for the SigC5561-PTMC card.

TNETV3010 Processor Family

The SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card contains Texas Instruments TNETV3010 devices, a member of TI's popular TNET family of DSP devices, targeted at VoP applications. The TNETV3010 offers high performance, ultra low power consumption compared to other VoIP chips, and extremely small size and footprint. The SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card contains a "DSP Farm" area that may be populated with one (1) to twelve (12) TNETV3010 devices.

Each TNETV3010 device contains six (6) C5561 300 MIPS cores with dual parallel multiplier, or 3600 total MIPS processing capability.   Each individual C5561 core includes a complete set of peripherals, including synchronous TDM serial ports, host/network data ports, timers, DMA channels, and 64k x 16 of fast, local SRAM. In addition, each TNETV3010 device contains 512k x 16 of 6-way shared SRAM (shared between all C5561 cores), and onchip PLL providing clock configuration and control. Texas Instrument's advanced, in-house IC fabrication process is key to producing the small package size and low power consumption necessary to allow a high channel density solution that meets module chip-height restrictions and required no heatsink to other competing voice chip solutions.

Note that number of TNETV3010 DSP devices populated on the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC is variable depending on channel capacity requirements and cost constraints, depending on the application.

WinPath Processor

The WinPath device from Wintegra combines a MIPS Core based "control plane" with an ASIC-like "data plane" to form a powerful network access / packet processor. The data plane layer allows wire-speed forwarding of packets between a wide range of peripherals, including UTOPIA and GbE.

The WinPath runs WindRiver's VxWorks operating system and libraries and drivers provided by Wintegra and Telogy on the MIPS Core. Application layer programming is also possible on this device, for example to add application-specific IP-to-IP processing features.

Block Diagram

Below is a block diagram for the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card.

Software Support

The SigC5561-PTMC card is fully Telogy software compliant, supporting a wide range voice and wireless real-time algorithms. Telogy software is used widely in VoP infrastructure, including a number of Tier 1 providers.

In addition to Telogy voice software, SigC5561 card software support includes:

DSPower-MGTS software includes two (2) major components:

DSPower-MGTS software allows both "network mode" and "host mode" operation. In network mode, DSPower Media Gateway and transcoding Server (MGTS) software provides a sockets based, command-line interface (CLI) to DSP and network processor software running on the SigC5561 card. Command-line formatted text strings may be sent from any programming environment to control DSP, voice, and signaling functions on the 5561 card. Network mode allows the SigC5561 card to operate as a self-managed unit, fully independent media gateway, or transcoding server.

In host mode, DSPower-MGTS allows the SigC5561 card to operate without a WinPath network processor installed; in this case MGTS provides a library interface (DLL under WinXP, or shared object under Linux) based on DirectdSP software and drivers. C/C+ host programs can use the library interface to control the card and access both TDM and packet data. Host mode operating system support include:

Host mode is typically used by PC platforms and other PCI or PCI-e based platforms. A typical example would be an echo can or voice codec farm for an open source VoIP application.

Download Reference Guide


Below are preliminary specifications for the SigC5561-PTMC card. All specifications are subject to change.

Form Factor

Single wide PCI-mezzanine, PT5MC (opt. for PT2MC or PT3MC)
IEEE P1386/P1386.1, PICMG 2.15

PTMC Configurations

PT5MC (standard): 32-ch CT Bus (Pn3); Gigabit Ethernet (Pn4)
PT2MC (OEM opt.): 20-ch CT Bus, RMII (Pn3)
PT3MC (OEM opt.): 20-ch CT Bus, RMII (Pn3); UTOPIA L1 (Pn4)

DSP Farm

Up to 12 Texas Instruments TNETV3010 devices with
Premium Carrier Grade Telogy Software; includes indemnification
of essential patents for conformance & interoperability

Network Processor

Wintegra WinPath Access Packet Processor

PCI Bus Interface 1.8V / 3.3V signaling with passive adapter, 5V signaling with active adapter

Power Comsumption

15W in 2 DSP configuration

16W in 7 DSP configuration

23W in 12 DSP configuration



0ºC to 55ºC (airflow >200 LFM)



-40ºC to 85ºC



10 to 90% non-condensing



5 to 95% non-condensing

Designed to Meet

FCC Part 15 Subpart B
UL60950 3rd edition
UL60950 3rd edition

cPCI Carrier Card

Below is a picture showing the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC used with the HW400c/2 carrier card from One Stop System. The SigC5561 is inserted into PTMC site #1 on the HW400c/2:

Desktop PC

Below are pictures showing the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC connected to active and passive adapters, enabling the SigC5561-PTMC to operate in a desktop PC as a standard PCI/PCIe card. An active adapter, including bridge device and voltage-level translation circuitry, allows the SigC5561-7x7-PTMC to be inserted into either 5V or  3.3V PCI slots. A passive adapter can be used for 3.3V-only PCI slots.

SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card installed on passive adapter for insertion in desktop 3.3V PCI slot

SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card installed on active adapter for insertion in desktop 3.3V or 5V PCI slot

SigC5561-7x7-PTMC card installed on active adapter for insertion in desktop 1.8V PCIe slot