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DSP Test and Diagnostic System (DSTADS)

Click to see full-size DSTADS examples
563xx and C54x examples

Click to see full-size DSP module examples
SigC549-SODIMM example

Click to see full-size DSP module examples
SigC5421-100-CONAN-16 Module

Click to see full-size DSP module examples
SigC549-DSTADS example

Click to see full-size DSP module examples
Sig56303-DSTADS example

Click to see full-size volume test system example
Multi-Module test system example


The DSP Test and Diagnostic System, or DSTADS, is a fully automated, functional test system used by InterWorks Computer Products (A Sanmina Company), to test complex DSP modules and boards. InterWorks is a high-volume manufacturer whose clients include major telecom and Internet infrastructure companies. The DSP modules and boards manufactured and tested by InterWorks are typically embedded in high-density DSP applications such as VoIP (voice-over-Internet Protocol), high-speed modems such as DSL and cable, and telecom base-stations and internet routing equipment.

In addition to functional, high-volume test and diagnostic capabilities, DSTADS offers the client advantages far beyond delivery of fully tested, characterized module and board PCBs. DSTADS allows InterWorks to offer to its clients the advantages of allowing continued DSP algorithm and real-time code development using actual DSP SIMM or SODIMM multi-DSP modules, rather than simulated or EVM hardware platforms. Examples include integration and debug of Telogy voice software on actual production hardware, test and debug of high speed TDM interfaces and multichannel issues, and test and debug of difficult hardware design issues such as clock and power distribution and integrity when a massive number of processors is involved. Full multiprocessor (up to 128 processors) development systems are available, including host programming and debug environment support from C/C++, MATLAB, Visual Basic, and LabVIEW. Telogy development systems are also supported.

Current module types supported include:

  • SigC542x-CONAN dual 69-pin latching CONAN with (8) Texas Instruments C5421 100 MHz processors, each dual core (16 total cores), with 132k x 16 SRAM per core.

  • SigC542x-SIMM 80-pin SIMM, with (16) Texas Instruments C5420 or C5421 100 MHz processors, and 100k x 16 (5420) or 132k x 16 (5421) zero-wait-state onchip SRAM per core.

  • Sig56303-SIMM 80-pin SIMM with (6) Motorola 100 MHz 56303/9/7/11 devices, and (6) 128k x 24 SRAM devices

  • SigC54x-SODIMM 72-pin SODIMM with (3) Texas Instruments 100 MHz C549 or C5420 devices, (3) 128k x 16 SRAM devices

  • SigC54x-SIMM 72-pin SIMM with (6) Texas Instruments 100 MHz C549 and (6) 128k x 16 SRAM devices

Click on pictures above / at left to see full-size DSP SODIMM and SIMM module and test system images.


Click to see full-size DSTADS Software GUI examples
DSTADS sofware GUI example

    The DSTADS system includes:

Test and Diagnostic Capabilities

DSTADS test and diagnostic capabilities include:

Development System

Click here for more development system information
Click here for more development system information

The DSTADS Development System includes:

Click here for specifcations, images, and more information about the SigC54xx Development System, which has three (3) SigC54x-SODIMM onboard module sites.

For More Information...

Software and some hardware components for the DSTADS system were developed by Signalogic, capitalizing on the company's expertise in all aspects of DSP software and hardware design. The host-interface hardware, host and DSP software drivers, and Visual Bench™ software GUI were all based initially on previous products and applications developed by Signalogic, and then further enhanced to meet InterWorks requirements.

For more information on DSP modules and the DSTADS system, please send e-mail to Don Coffin at InterWorks.

For more information on development system capabilities and options, please send e-mail to Jeff Brower at Signalogic.